The questions

  I went to a funeral last week, and it was as if I stepped back in time. I looked around, and I remembered the questions that were going through my mind when I lost my husband. How can people just go on? My loved one is gone, and they...
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Day of Trouble

Day of Trouble   There are many things that cause us trouble. It could be a loss of a job, which can create financial difficulties and eventually losing a home. There are troubles of failing health, medical bills, or death. We all face troubles at some time in our lives....
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Should I celebrate Halloween?

  My husband and I used to celebrate Halloween. We would dress up and get with all of our friends and take our kids around the neighborhood “trick or treating.” What does the Bible say about Halloween? Nothing. The Bible does say that we should not engage in witchcraft or...
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Trauma can Bring Fear

Trauma can Bring Fear   If you have ever experienced someone stalking you or living in an abusive situation, these circumstances do not only bring trauma, but a constant fear. The first thing that needs to happen is removing yourself from the abuse or getting help with the stalking. There...
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God can use you

  God can use you no matter your age, financial condition or current circumstances. We are all called to be disciples, a personal follower of Jesus. “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”  Philippians 2:13  

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Guilty Grieving?

Guilty Grieving?   I have actually heard someone say that a person is selfish when they grieve. Obviously that person was not an expert in grieving. Yes, we do miss our loved one, but grieving is a natural process. John 11:35, says that Jesus wept when he saw Mary grieving...
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Should I move on?

Grieving a loss of a loved one is personal, and I do not believe there is a magic formula. God is the only one that knows what you need. There came a time in my grieving when I heard the Lord say that it was time for me to move...
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Motivation   What motivates us? We can move around a room and shake hands with two different motives. One motive could be so everyone would be sure to see us, and another motive could be that we really care about each person and want to know how things are going...
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Patience, do I want to pray for it?

I remember when my girls were in high school. I started praying for patience. I know what you are thinking, “Oh, you did not!” Yes, I did. I believe I had a moment of insanity.   As a result, the Lord gave me the desire to start running. If any of...
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It is Impossible for God Not to Care

It is Impossible for God Not to Care   “…God is love.”  I John 4:8 “…God, who cannot lie…”  Titus 1:2 Loving is who God is, not only what He does. And He can always be trusted because He is truthful. Many times when we experience trauma, we have trouble...
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