Where’s the Power?

Where’s the Power? People look for power in many places; power of money, prestige, and fame. But what kind of power gives us hope, joy and peace? These are things everyone wants, no matter how much money, prestige and fame they may have. Now may the God of hope fill...
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What is the Purpose of Law?

What is the Purpose of Law? How would we know if we did something wrong? If there were not a law against going through a traffic red light, we would not know that we must stop. So, law points out the fact when we are in the wrong. It gives...
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The gap filler

As I was filling the gap in the cracked concrete, my mind drifted to the gap between God and us. Isaiah, in Isaiah 55:8-9 expressed this gap. “”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the...
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Cry Uncle

Cry Uncle When I was young, I always thought it was a dumb thing to do when the boys would fight to show off. When they were winning, they would say to their opponent, “Cry uncle”. Basically, the defeated needed to ask for mercy before the winner would let go....
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Do you have joy?

Nothing seemed to move me, make me laugh or bring joy. What was going on? I felt numb, no emotion, why? Reflection brought joy. A quick inventory of my current state made me realize that I was not seeking to give God pleasure. I heard a pastor once say, “When...
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Who Separates Us from Love?

Who Separates Us from Love? Anytime we are in a relationship there are things that can come to steal our time or our communication from the one we love. But, what about our relationship with God; are there things that can separate us from His love? “Who shall separate us...
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God yearns for you!

God yearns for you! When you desire something more than anything you yearn for it. David understood yearning, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before...
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Pretty Feet

Pretty Feet When the warmer weather comes and shoes are not always necessary, we want our feet to look good. And in the winter, many women like to have a variety of shoes to make their feet look pretty. But there is another we can have pretty feet. “And how...
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Closing a Chapter

Closing a chapter. How do you move forward after a loss? Many get rid of clothes, all personal items and say I have moved forward. But have you really dealt with the loss or just pushed your feelings aside for another day? “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,...
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