Peace like a river

Someone once said to me do you have peace? Peace, what is that? I was really thinking, are you kidding? Who could have peace in the midst of this? We sing songs such as peace like a river. But are those singing have peace? We all walk through something every...
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We know in the last days, the Anti-Christ will demand allegiance to him, and that is by taking the mark of the beast on the hand or forehead and worshipping the image. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on...
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Check your oil lately?

It is essential to check your oil in the times we live in.   The parable of the ten virgins shows us that all had lamps and all went out to meet Jesus. However, half were foolish because they did not take oil (Holy Spirit); they were not prepared. As a...
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Are you a tool for God?

We can be a tool for God or Satan. Sincere Christians, true believers, who have laid down their lives to Christ desire to glorify God.   Peter, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, declared who Jesus was, The Messiah, yet not long after, he was rebuked by Jesus and called...
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Are you listening to The Voice?

The Holy Spirit brings God’s voice forward, “… as the Holy Spirit says:“Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, In the day of trial in the wilderness, Where your fathers tested Me, tried Me, And saw My works forty years…” Hebrews...
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