Why Does it Hurt so Much?

Why Does it Hurt so Much? When we say goodbye to the dearest one on earth, how do we cope with such a great loss? The more we love, the greater the loss. It may be hard to realize, but if you start asking people if they have lost a...
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If Only

If Only Most of us have said many times, “If only…” When things take a twist in our life that we do not expect, we can experience regret or maybe feel guilty by thinking, “if only I had done or said…” If only I had prayed more, they would not...
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Do You Have Wheelbarrow Faith?

Do You Have Wheelbarrow Faith? I have heard the story many times about the man who walked across the Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Everyone cheered for him. So, he asked one person if they thought he could do it again with a wheelbarrow. The answer “yes” came quickly. So...
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Change in Cadence

Have you noticed the change in cadence as you approach a milestone event associated with a traumatic event.  Time may slow down or speed up.  Events of days past may be brought to mind and reflected upon.  Questions come to the forefront: what if, if only, or why.  The heart that beat a...
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Do We Know How to Love?

Do We Know How to Love? We know we are supposed to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us; but how to we do that? Someone in my family was battered. It was not easy for me to forgive and love that person. I had to work...
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Unspoken question… calling all widows

Many widows have an unspoken question. They ponder whether it is in God’s will for them to marry again. Paul has the answer, “But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am (unmarried); but if they cannot exercise...
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Are You in a Losing Battle?

Are You in a Losing Battle? Sometimes it may seem we are in a “no win” situation. It doesn’t matter what you do or say, someone turns it around to make it the opposite of what you meant to say. This kind of emotional abuse can wear you down. Psalm...
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Impacts of the Heart, Soul and mind?

The Lord wants you to love Him, “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.” Mark 12:30 You may say how is this possible? Yes, it may be difficult. However, it is only difficult when we try to do it without God. You see, the enemy is trying to do...
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Hiding in the Cleft of the Rock

Hiding in the Cleft of the Rock Sometimes we just want to stop our world and jump off of the merry-go-round. Then we look for a safe place to hide. What place do you think would be the safest? God was talking to Moses and He told Moses to hide...
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