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Where is the abundant life?

Why are most people not experiencing an abundant Life? Scripture clearly shows that Jesus came to give us an abundant life, ” I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10b

Where is it, you may be asking? So, what did Jesus come to give us? The word abundant means, in Greek, perissos, a life beyond measure or superior.

Charles Spurgeon said, “Life is a matter of degrees. Some have Life, but it flickers like a dying candle, and is indistinct as the fire in the smoking flax; others are full of Life, and are bright and vehement.”

The degree to which we walk in this Life is up to us. We must turn away from what the enemy offers and turn to what Jesus freely gives. The enemy wants you to sacrifice your eternal Life, and Jesus wants you to lay your Life down so He can share His Life with you, a life of peace, joy, contentment, hope, love faith and eternal Life in Christ Jesus.

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