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When is Fear a spirit?

There is natural and unnatural Fear. The Bible talks about Fear approximately 365 times. God tells us over and over again not to fear.

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” So, how do we know if the Fear that comes upon us is a spirit? One good test is to see if the Fear is controlling you and causing torment. Does it influence your emotions, mind, or actions? Remember, God never controls us and would not give us something that would take control of our lives and cause us not to have peace.

If you believe you have a spirit of fear, declare that you do not have a spirit of fear, and declare what God has given you. If you still have fear, seek the Lord and ask Him to deliver you.

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

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