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What is the Difference between Faith and Trust?

What is the Difference between Faith and Trust?



When Howard was in Critical Care for eight days, I saw God miraculously keep him from death three times when the doctors said it was impossible for Howard to live. I continued to have faith up to the time he took his last breath that God could raise him up off of that table. I even took a picture of him the night before he passed away, so we could show people what depths God had raised him to complete health. God had other plans for me.


When Howard passed away, I stilled trusted God. I know others were devastated by the outcome. They prayed and felt God had let them down. Now they were in a situation to question whether they could trust God again.


When we have faith that God can do the miraculous, can we still trust Him when things turn out differently than we expect?


Job had many questions when he was suffering and his “friends” continued to accuse him of secret sin. Job trusted God even when things were difficult.


“Though He [God] slay me, yet will I trust Him…”

Job 13:15a NKJV

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