“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” Psalm 17:8
The spiritual realm is just as real as the physical realm. However, if you only stay in the physical realm, you will miss the lovingkindness of our dear Lord.
To see a shadow, you need to be in a place with a light source, an object blocking the light source and a surface for the shadow to fall on.
God is the light source. You need to be in the presence of the Lord, so close to Him, to see the shadow of His protection (the secret place); the objects blocking the light are the wings of the Cherebum (1 Kings 6:26-28). The wings are over the throne where God is seated in the Holiest of Holies. The secret place is the Holiest of Holies. Come before Him today with Thanksgiving, praise and worship, and He will hide you. Your heart will rejoice (Psalm 63:7).
“May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:12