Control reacts

When someone in the past has controlled you, if Jesus has not healed your heart, then, situations that you perceive control, whether actual or not, you will react. Reactions vary in people; some try to control the situation by cutting people off, and others erupt in anger. Both reactions result...
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Keeping your garments

You may have been in church all your life or raised in a Godly family, and you believe you have a ticket to Heaven. But do you? God is very clear in His word. There is only one way to have eternal life, and it is through Jesus Christ. You...
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Spiritual apathy

There is a lack of concern for things spiritual. If the end of the age were to be marked by spiritual apathy, we would have already punched out. There was a similar time like this. “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was...
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Nothing will ever be the same

There are things that happen in the physical, and we say that nothing will ever be the same. A loss of a loved one, divorce, a child walks away from the Lord, loss of finances, etc.   At the same time, there are things happening in the spiritual, and nothing will...
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Prayers answered?

Does God always answer our prayers? This is a difficult question to answer. On the one hand, I would say yes, if it is God’s will.  “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if...
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Something stinky in the air

Something stinky in the air With the change in laws that allow the utilization of CBD (cannabidiol), a strange odor is in the air. Reports show that CBD can help with anxiety, arthritis and addictions. The areas that the medical community says CBD impacts are all spiritually rooted afflictions.   ...
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Declare what it is

We need to declare what it is and not what it is not. I am whole and complete in Christ Jesus (Col 2:10)I have the mind of Christ Jesus (1 Cor 2:16)I can do all things through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:13)I am healed in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 2:24)I have...
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Am I pleasing God?

We are constantly expressing the desires of our hearts. Lord, please…; God, I need…. What about God? How can we please Him? Remember, ” Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:8. “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” Gal 5:16 God’s...
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Many of you know of my house sagas. But do you know the backstory? I have had some obstacles while remodelling this house, and with the challenges, I have complained. God has convicted me of this sin. When we complain, we lose eternal perspective. God tells us to rejoice always....
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The Day of the Lord

Day of the Lord Many can’t wait till the Lord comes, and scripture does say we should be eagerly awaiting His second coming. However, The Day of the Lord is when Jesus returns to Earth, overthrows Evil, and executes God’s wrath on the Earth. Amos 5:18-20 says We should not...
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