My feathers were flustered

I remember one Thanksgiving my husband brought home a fresh turkey and laid it on the kitchen counter; feathers and all. I looked at him and said, “what am I suppose to do with this?” He looked at me, sheepishly with a grin on his face and said, “clean and...
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Twice burned

Twice burned “I am not going there again, I have been burned twice and that is enough for me.” Many have boarded up their hearts for the season in anticipation of another storm.   We are to guard our heart against getting hard and cold.   God protects our heart from getting hurt.   However, many have...
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Being Led

Many talk about being led by the Holy Spirit, but what does this really mean? To be led means that we take direction from someone other than ourselves. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan (Luke 4:1). In order to be led,...
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Why? After a loss, it is normal to ask why this happened. Your mind and heart are seeking answers. Seek God for those answers. Start with prayer and reading the Bible. Remember how Job’s friends tried to give him answers and help, Job said: “I have heard many things like...
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Heaviness of Heart

A loss can cause heaviness of heart. It can make you feel as if time has stopped. Your heart and mind struggle to reconcile what has happened and it appears not real. The LORD is with you and is carrying you right now. Be intentional in staying close to the...
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Feeling isolated?

Feeling isolated? Many feel isolated even in a crowd. isolation is a feeling of being cut off from others, which can lead to loneliness, hopelessness and depression. Jesus felt isolated and cut off as He hung on the cross. His disciples and even His Father had forsaken him. Jesus took...
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Yard Work

As I was out walking and praying, I passed a house with a truck in the driveway. The truck had a business sign on it that said “Superior landscaping.” I immediately looked at the person’s yard. It was unkept and full of weeds. Non-Christians are the same way when we...
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Anger and hate

Does anger or hate rise up at times in your life, where you feel you cannot control it? Don’t act upon it. Ask the Lord to take the anger out of your heart. “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place...
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Get a grip

We need to get a grip and focus on what is really important?  Thoughts and desires to have a bowl of ice cream gripped me this week.  I wanted to go out.  I was being pulled out the door.  As a matter of fact, I grabbed my keys and was about to leave...
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Cancer diagnosis?

Many today are struggling with a diagnosis of cancer and lose hope. God’s word can encourage you. God is with you right now, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”...
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