Simple solutions to healing

If you have struggled with an ailment, sickness or disease for years, and there does not seem to be an end or solution, check out these easy steps to be healed in Jesus’ name. Confess any sins the Holy Spirit is bringing to mind. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and...
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Spiritual storms

It has been raining heavily here in Virginia for the last few days. It had been so long since we had rain; I wondered where I had put my Umbrella. Just like we need an umbrella to protect us from physical storms, we need a covering to protect us from...
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Taste and see

Many have lost their taste due to COVID, and this story may turn your stomach. If you thought 2020 was unusual, check out the New York Times story this past week on cannibalism. The title has many concerned, ‘cannibalism has a time and place’ – and it might be now....
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Surpassing Victory

What is a conqueror? For that matter, what is more than a conqueror? According to Strongs, a conqueror is one who gains surpassing victory. More than a conqueror is one who takes spoil from the victory.

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Curses or blessings

You are either walking in curses or blessings. “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight.” ‭Proverbs‬ ‭26:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Every sickness or disease is undoubtedly not a blessing. Ask the Lord what the cause is. Many in the church believe in blessings...
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Time for God

Are you making time for God? My new phone tracks the amount of time I spend on different activities; I found it interesting to see where my focus has been each day. If I desire to make God first in my life, I should spend the most time in activities...
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Spirit of destruction has no hold on you

Has so much damage been done to your life that you feel like it can’t be repaired? The Lord has already redeemed your life from destruction (Psalm 103:4). Declare it today. Thank you, Jesus, that you have rescued my soul from destruction, redeemed and crowned me with lovingkindness and tender...
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Looking into the mirror

So often, growing up, I would look into the mirror and not like what I saw. So many women experience this same issue. Society’s demands of a perfect woman, whatever that means, can pressure and torment you. The result is self-loathing, insecurity, inferiority and self-focus. Your identity in Christ is...
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One body and spirit

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;” Ephesians 4:4 Many today do not care about other people. They only care about how a situation affects them. Even the disciples argued over who was the greatest. We are called...
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Living in the moment

This weekend I was able to get out for a bike ride.  I had not done this in a very long time.  As I started, I prayed for the Lord to protect me.  As I was riding, I realized I needed to stay in the moment so as not to...
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