Spirit filled life

Have you felt something lacking in your walk with the Lord? Does it feel like you have been in a battle? Do not fret; this could be good news. Jesus was led into the wilderness after being filled with the Spirit, and Satan came to tempt Him. When Jesus overcame...
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Pressure mounting?

It is difficult as we feel the pressure mounting in our nation, homes, churches, families, and hearts. However, the weight is lifted when we take our eyes off the physical; our circumstances and put our eyes on the unseen (spiritual).   “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,...
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Secret sins

Secret sins are not so secret. Sexual immorality (pornography, adultery, homosexuality, lusting, etc.), eating disorders, lying, hating, unforgiveness, envy, jealousy, stealing and deceit are examples of secret sins. God knows what has transpired, so it is not so secret. “You have set our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light...
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Is it your heart’s desire to please God?

Do you desire to please God and have wondered how to do this? God, our Father, tells us how to please Him like a good Father.   “The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who hope in His mercy.” Psalm 147:11 We please God by lifting His...
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Do you complain?

We are not called to complain; we are called to glorify our God. “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7 So why do we complain? Job gives us an...
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God, You are glorious!

A thankful heart recognizes God’s goodness, and the Heart of praise glorifies Him in all we do and say because of who He is. There will be days in which thankfulness and praise do not come easy. Push into it. Choose to be thankful and glorify the Lord even when...
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Buenos dias Ron

El perro pastor de mi hija, Ron, se queda conmigo por un tiempo. Todas las mañanas, cuando voy a dejar salir a Ron, me agarra del brazo para guiarme y me arrastra hacia la puerta para hacer lo que quiere. Ahora concédelo, Él es mucho más grande que yo cuando...
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Do you desire to prosper?

Before you answer the question, what does prosper mean from a biblical perspective? In many circles today, prospering means making more money, getting a better job, a bigger house, a better car, a larger church, etc. In this context, prosper implies that God will bring forward something good from whatever...
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Do you need more confidence or enthusiasm to do what you have enjoyed in the past? We all feel drained, discouraged, and alone at times in our lives. God is there to take you through it. “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of...
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Grace for Grace

“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.” Ephesians 4:7 Some believe they are not worthy to receive, and others feel they are given an unfair advantage. Scripture says we have been given all things. We need to accept what has been given. This...
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