Cleanse me

Getting rid of all the things in our hearts and minds that are not pleasing to God takes some time. Wouldn’t you love to be cleansed instantly like a carwash? You take your car into the wash, and it comes out spotless on the other side. If you want God to...
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He loves me; He loves me, not

He loves me, He loves me not. As a child, the daisy, specifically the ox-eye daisy, was the means to determine if someone loved us. As I picked off the pedals one by one with anticipation and neared the last pedal, my heart was overwhelmed to find out the outcome....
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Pray about it!

Occasionally, when my girls have an important decision to make, they come to me and say what do you think, Mom? I say, have you prayed about it? We should take all things to the Lord. He is not too busy to hear or answer you. We have a mighty...
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“…you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Mathew 5:48 This is a lofty goal. My earthly father was very hands-on, and he taught me through doing. I made many mistakes. However, it was okay; making mistakes is part of learning. We are not perfect. However, God does call...
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Who are your enemies? 

Could you be your own worst enemy? What you proclaim can make the difference between life and death. God’s word has power, and if you speak against God’s word, you can be destroying yourself. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will...
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Who are your enemies?

Could you be your own worst enemy? What you proclaim can make the difference between life and death. God’s word has power, and if you speak against God’s word, you can be destroying yourself. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will...
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Love is sacrifice

Sacrifice, that is what love is about. Sacrificing your wants, desires and needs for someone else. That is what God has done for us through His son Jesus. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down...
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When you think of caregiving, you may envision caring for an older adult, a mother, or a father. Yet, what about the care that our Heavenly Father gives us? Couldn’t that be considered caregiving? So, how does God care for us? After all, He is our example if you are...
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Do you feel like Naomi in the Book of Ruth? The beginning of your life had such promise and hope, and then losses struck and knocked you off your feet. “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out...
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The great leveler

This past week, I have been pouring levelling agents trying to make an old house floor appear straight. No matter how much levelling agent we put on the floor, we can never make it altogether level. Trying to straighten up our own lives is a challenge and never works. We...
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