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‘Til Death Do You Part

‘Til Death Do You Part


After I watched my wedding video, I began to think. It has been four and a half years since my wedding, but I have been a widow for four years. I started to ponder on those words, “’Til death do you part’ and thought how it takes time to realize the one you loved is no longer your spouse. In my head I can understand, but it takes time for the heart to catch up.


When I was single I dated several widowers. It seemed very hard for them as one expressed feeling guilty being with me. One gentleman was a widower for five years and still could not let go emotionally to live again. So, I am wondering if the readiness to date someone after your spouse passes away is determined by the progress of healing from that loss.


If someone is longing for another spouse, but having trouble letting go, not of the love and memories, but the emotional attachment, asking Jesus to finish the healing of the heart is in order.


“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.”  NKJV

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