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The Roadblock

The Roadblock

Winter was upon us and my family decided to go skiing. We were all very excited to be together, have some downtime; and, even the fact that there was a storm coming did not deter us.

What we did not anticipate was that the storm would cause the road to be blocked and prevent us from arriving at our destination.

As we go through life, storms will be before us. Sometimes we don’t anticipate that they will impact us and roadblocks would be raised up that prevents us from staying on course. We are diverted.

If we were to give a name to the roadblocks, they might be called un-forgiveness, sin, un-Godly beliefs, generational curses, trauma, infirmity, broken-heart, etc. These roadblocks take us down a difficult road, where you may not know where you are going. Uncertainty, doubt and unbelief may set in.

You must set our hearts and minds on Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas in your life that need to change. Trust Him to get you back on the main road.

“As for God, His wayis perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” Psalm 18:30

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