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The fourth watch

The disciples had a long day. They had been teaching, and Jesus had told them earlier to get away and rest. Yet they were found out. The multitudes flocked to them. They wanted Jesus to turn them away because the evening was coming, and they knew they were all going to need to eat. 

Jesus said to them, “you give them something to eat”. Not so far off in the future, Jesus would come to Peter and declare this same mission, “Do you love me? …. feed my sheep”. We are not to ignore God’s people, even when we are told to go rest.  

Jesus sent the disciples back on their way after the people had eaten. They were in the boat, and now “The wind was against them” Mark 8:48. The enemy does not want us to rest. Yet when Jesus came, the wind ceased.  

We can be at rest when we are with Jesus, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus‬ ‭33:14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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