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The Carpenter would know?

A carpenter’s measurements must be precise to create a quality product.  

Yet, when it comes to faith, Jesus (The Carpenter) says, We only need faith as big as a mustard seed to move mountains (Mathew 17:20). Mustard seeds are small round seeds about 1 to 2 millimetres in diameter. Notice our faith doesn’t need to be large or measure up to others’ faith.  

Jesus expects us to trust Him and not have fear. We see in Mathew 8:26 that Jesus rebuked his disciples because they had fear, “…O you of little faith?” Fear causes doubt, which leads to unbelief, and unbelief is an evil heart (Hebrews 3:12). And causes us to fall away from God.

Do you have a faith that measures up to Jesus’ standards? So, what mountains or obstacles are in your life that need to be moved?

 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Mathew 21:22

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