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Take the mask off

Take the mask off

Some of the hottest New Year’s Eve parties encourage people to wear masks. This is a take back to the masquerade balls of old. The masks would allow all classes to mingle together. Today, it may be a way for people to hide their true identities. Unfortunately, some people never take the mask off. Including Christians. This should not be so. Our identity should be in Christ Jesus.

You may wonder why you would want to hide who Christ made you to be. Hurts cause people to wear masks. Some common masks include:

Mask of perfectionism, criticality, passivity or religiosity.

The mask of perfection/control says, If I control the situation, I won’t be hurt, or the mask of criticality says, if I put others down, no one will see who I truly am.

Hurts cause us to run away and hide. God knows every hurt, and He knows you. You can trust Him to heal the deep hurts inside.

“You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

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