
Is sin really sinful to you? How you answer will show you the state of your heart. Think about the words you have spoken this week, the thoughts that have crossed your mind or your actions. Are you remorseful? Have you asked the Lord to forgive you? “And they did not repent of their murders...
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In a moment

Many say they know God, yet they live in a way that reflects the opposite. They have no understanding that, in a moment, they could be consumed by God (Exodus 33:5). I am thankful we have a merciful God who does not want any to perish.    “What is man, that You...
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Do you not know?

Paul states, “Do you not know” in many of his letters to the saints. The Holy Spirit is speaking to Christians today. “Do you not know that the unrighteous (sinful) will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators (people living together), nor idolaters (worshipping anything...
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