
Many have lost their jobs in the past few years and feel shame and loss of identity. God will never drop us. God does the opposite; He brings us to glory through His son Jesus.   “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing...
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Peace like a river

Someone once said to me do you have peace? Peace, what is that? I was really thinking, are you kidding? Who could have peace in the midst of this? We sing songs such as peace like a river. But are those singing have peace? We all walk through something every...
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Great peace

Do you know what peace is? Someone asked me this question after my husband died. I pondered it over and over and concluded, no.    “There is no peace (Salom, completeness/soundness),” says the Lord, “for the wicked (Rasa, morally wrong).” Isaiah 48:22 However, there is a way you can experience peace, great...
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Merry Christmas

Many are taking ‘Christ’ out of Christmas and replacing it with x-mas. When you take the “The Word, ‘Christ'” out of Christmas, you have an unknown holiday, a celebration built on nothing. Jesus Christ is the Word, our salvation. He is the revelation of God. “For unto us a Child...
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Sow righteousness

In a world of fear, confusion and chaos, do you seek peace and unfailing love? “The fruit (a work complete) of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness andconfidence forever.” Isaiah 32:17 Righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of God,including our character. Galatians...
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