Surrender has taken on a negative connotation in our society today—the word to many means giving up or losing control.
Many associate the word surrender to wartime conflict. One party turns over all their weapons, personhood to another, and they are at the other party’s mercy. We are in a war, a spiritual war. You are either on Gods side, taking orders from the Lord of Heaven’s army or taking orders from the other side. You cannot be a conscientious objector.
When you surrender your will to God, you are saying Lord; I turn over everything to you. You are not giving up anything, because it is all God’s anyway. However, you are becoming free from the bondage of sin to the enemies hold on your life.
The enemies desire is to control you; he intends to steal, kill and destroy. God comes to give you life abundantly (John 10:10). God desires to protect, shield, and love You. When you surrender to Him, He fills you up with good things.
Can you say, “My lord, O king, just as you say, I and all that I have are yours.” 1 Kings 20:4