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Secure in God’s love?

How can I be secure in God’s love?

First let’s look at what it means to be secure.    Secure means to be fixed or fastened so as not to give way.  Jesus Christ was secured to the cross to bear the burden… He choose to bear the 39 lashes and He choose to be nailed to the cross,.  He choose to pour out his blood for you.   if Jesus Christ had turned, and instead of saying, “Father not my will but yours”… How secure would we be and to what would we be fastened?  

It was Christ love for the father that paved the way for us to love…. He cries out to us from the cross, receive my love.   It is because He loved us first that we can love and be secure in HIm.

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.” Psalm 16:5

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