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Revive me

Revive me

While in Florida helping my mom make it through Hurricane Ian, I noticed my mom’s house was almost in darkness in every room, and it wasn’t because we lost power. The fluorescent lights were not working. I started the fix by replacing the part that held the bulb. When I went to Lowes, I found out that this part is called the tombstone. I immediately thought a tombstone might be required if the light goes out.

If the light of God’s word goes out in our life, we are dead. If you do not have a desire to read or study God’s word, cry out for revival.

David cried out for the Lord to revive him according to His Word (Psalm 119:107), righteousness (Psalm 119:40), lovingkindness (Psalm 119:88), Justice (Psalm 119:149), and judgement (Psalm 119:156).

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me…” Psalm 138:8. When we cry out to be revived, God will do it for His glory, “Revive me, O’LORD, for Your name’s sake!” Psalm 143:11

When we revive something, we are bringing it back from the dead; no tombstone is required. “…for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp…” Revelation 21:23.

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