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Pray like you mean it

Pray like you mean it

We all struggle with prayer. Time appears to be the force that contends with prayer. What we do with our time sets the priority in our lives.

As I prepared to pray, I found something always got in the way. I would like to say it was outside forces. Yet, it was mostly my own mind that battled within itself. What to put first my reading of the Bible, devotional writing, ministry work or praying. Then one day a thought crossed my mind. Why should any of them have to give? Why can’t they flow together?

Seek me first… Continuously rang in my ears and heart… what do you want me to seek first Lord?

As I sought Him, I started to look at scripture a new way. where ever God led me in scripture I began to pray.

This particular morning it was 1 Corinthians 5. Immorality defiles the church. Yes, I agree with this statement. Now how do I bring this together? I stopped and said I don’t, God does. Holy Spirit helpme to see in and through Your word those that need to be lifted up through these verses. Show me how to pray your word. Before I was even finished praying, the Holy Spirit was bringing people to mind that needed prayer.

“pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:17-18

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