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The other day I was at a fast food restaurant and ordered an ice coffee as I was going to be driving almost 30 miles to my home. I went inside instead of the drive-thru because I couldn’t remember the name of the coffee I wanted to order. There were several of us at the counter; when it was my turn I ordered my coffee. Everyone received their food including the person behind me in line and I stood there for what seemed to be a long time. In my mind I could hear, “This is a test”. So, I took a deep breath and walked up to the counter where there were two cashiers standing, waiting for new customers, and I asked if my order had been forgotten. Because the coffee has a lot of milk in it I told them I wondered if someone had to milk a cow first. I was happy to see a smile come from my response. Eventually, I had my coffee.


But God was testing my patience. How was I going to react? Was I going to be loving or insistent and demanding? It is easy to be patient when our patience is not tested.


But another test of patience came when my husband of seven months suddenly passed away. I had to have patience for God to make me whole again. He gently worked with me in my grieving to see more light each day. He taught me not to be impatient because His work and timing is perfect.


“…that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope…the God of patience and comfort…”

Romans 15:4,5  NKJV


“But you, O man of God…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.”

I Timothy 6:11  NKJV

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