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Out of the gate

My parents took me to a rodeo once, which was so exciting. The excitement of the crowds, the smells of popcorn, corndogs, and the multitude of fried foods filled the air. The people were busy walking here and there until the grand entry started. Most were there for one purpose: to see the bull ride. The beast unleashed with a frail-looking cowboy sitting on top, thinking he could anticipate the beast’s moves and control or at least stay on top as long as possible without getting killed or trampled.

Are we not like this cowboy sometimes, thinking we can outsmart the beast, satan?

“But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’ Jude 1:9

Remember, independence from God is the root of pride. We are victorious over the beast when we testify to what Christ did on the cross for us (Revelation 12:11).

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