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My feathers were flustered

I remember one Thanksgiving my husband brought home a fresh turkey and laid it on the kitchen counter; feathers and all. I looked at him and said, “what am I suppose to do with this?” He looked at me, sheepishly with a grin on his face and said, “clean and cook it, women.” I put my arms on my hips, and words were not necessary for what he needed to do with that turkey. It is these special moments in our lives that we remember; and without words, our Lord reaches out and fills our hearts with joy. The joy of seeing family, sharing a meal and giving thanks. This Thanksgiving turn to the Lord and provide Him with your Thanksgiving. May you and your family be filled with His everlasting nourishment.

“Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. Psalm 95:2 NKJV

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