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The Lords Word provides the answers

Last night I was able to sleep soundly. For the past three years, my sleep has been disturbed.

Sometimes with a loss of a loved one, we lose other essential items for living (desire to eat, sleep, to do the things we enjoy, etc.).

In my case it was sleep. Lack of sleep was taking a toll on me. I prayed and prayed for the answer. I knew that God’s Word says that he gives rest to the righteous.

So not getting sleep was very concerning.

God gave me the answer last week. God said that I needed to break a generational curse. He said, “You need to repent of sins of the father of restlessness and breaking my day of rest. My day is Holy.” Not only was my ancestors guilty, but so was I.

Genesis 2:2 says, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.”   This day is a Holy day and dedicated to God. The Sabbath was intended to celebrate/praise God’s creation.

God’s Word is a living document, has power and provides the answers for living in Him. If you have other losses in your life as a result of a loss, ask God to show you the answer.

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