“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” James 2:14 NKJV
There are two extreme camps we find in Christian circles. Faith and works.
What motivates us to do what we do or not do? This is a question we all need to stop and ask ourselves.
Many are doing a lot of supposed “good works” for the church today, but will this save them?
A group came to Jesus and said I did this…and that… He said get away from me. I didn’t know you.
If our works are not out of our love for God, we have useless faith, not a saving faith.
I remember the Lord saying to me one time, “I know you will obey me in whatever I ask you to do, like a good soldier, but I want your heart.” God wants each of our hearts.
Out of the heart, faith in Our Lord and savior will flow, and we can anticipate that it will be progressive.