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A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous

A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous


My friend’s coworker made cookies for the office. As people were enjoying the cookies they noticed there was something really crunchy about them. After investigating, it appeared that the coworker had little knowledge of baking. She had purchased a mix for the cookies and the directions said to add one egg. So she did; shell and all.


This true story is funny, but there are other areas of our lives where we can be in jeopardy by not being knowledgeable. Knowing just a little bit about God’s word can be dangerous. We need to study God’s word to get a complete picture of who He is and what His will is for our lives. The possibility of not knowing can result in deception. We need to know how much God loves us and what He has done for us, involving every area of our lives. He loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend and He wants to heal our spirit, soul and body.


“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

II Timothy 2:15 KJV revised






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