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Is It Catchy?

Is It Catchy?


As I was trimming my rose bushes today, I noticed that there is a disease of spots on the stems. I needed to wash my clippers before I went to the next bush. In past years I didn’t know that and I spread the disease from one bush to another. Some of my bushes have died.


It is the same if we do not cleanse ourselves from sin on a regular basis. Ephesians 5:26, states, “…that He [Christ] might sanctify and cleanse her [the church] with the washing of water by the word.” So as we read God’s word it exposes the sin in our life and He provides cleansing through repentance and accepting that His shed blood covers our sin.


Our spiritual disease could be unforgiveness, doubt and unbelief. Any of these can slow down the healing process of trauma or physical sickness and disease.


I was not aware of the disease, so a few of my rose bushes died. We need to be knowledgeable of God’s word so that we do not perish.


“For my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6a  NKJV

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