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In What Country are You a Citizen?

In What Country are You a Citizen?


Being a citizen of a country, we are asked to defend our country; usually by volunteering in the army or being drafted. Any time we are defending ourselves, we must know the enemy.


There are only two kingdoms that are important; the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Every person is a citizen of one or the other of these kingdoms. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of life, where the kingdom of darkness is the kingdom of death.


When we are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, He provides us with peace, love, joy, safety, provisions, and most of all eternal life. When we have experienced loss or trauma in this life, we can look to God to bring life into our spirit. When we ask Him to be the Lord of our life, He gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell in us which brings the healing, counsel and life we need.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [food, drink, and clothes] shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33  NKJV


We are born into a kingdom of darkness, but God has given us a free passport, through the blood of Jesus, to enter into and be a citizen of His kingdom. We have a choice and it is an eternal one.

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