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God is Patient

God is Patient


I was trimming my rose bushes and found they had black spot on them. One of the bushes looked like it already died. I trimmed it and put the disease killer fertilizer on it, hoping it will make a come back.


As I was nurturing my rose bush I thought of the parable that Jesus told about the fig tree.


“Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’” (Luke 13:7 – 9, NKJV)


When we experience tragedy and sometimes blame God or hold grudges against others, God is patient with us. He will gently work with us as He heals our heart so we can be fruitful again.

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