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Forgive yourself

Many people will not forgive themselves for their past mistakes. They believe they are unworthy and unworthy of forgiveness. 

None of us is worthy of what Christ has done for us. We have all sinned, and there is only one who is good, and that is God (Luke 18:19).  

There are forces at work to keep us from forgiving ourselves, and feelings of guilt, unworthiness, and self-hate set in.   

However, “…when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth”   John 16:13

Forgive yourself today. I bind the spirit of unforgiveness, unworthiness, self-guilt and self-hate in the name of Jesus and loose forgiveness and the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.   

Pray: I choose to forgive myself today and anyone else that I have not forgiven. Lord, help me to forgive and heal my heart. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

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