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When Jesus calls us to be His disciple, do we come up with excuses? Maybe: let me graduate from school, first get a job, get married, get settled in my new house, after the baby is born…

We are capable of being His disciple through all of these circumstances. And when He is with us the circumstances run much smoother than if we are trying to do it all on our own.

When Jesus called people to be His disciples, some of them had excuses, (Luke 9:59-62). One wanted to wait until he buried his father, but the father was still living and had not yet died. Another wanted to go back to his house to tell everyone goodbye. But Jesus knew it was only an excuse.

I used to work in a furniture store. People have a hard time just saying “no”. Common excuses were: I need measure first, or I need to ask someone’s opinion. It was easy to tell if it was a legitimate reason or not.

“But Jesus said to him, ‘No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”  Luke 9:62  NKJV

Jesus wants a willing heart, not someone who is looking back at all of the things they are leaving.



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