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Another Year


It is another anniversary without my husband.   We so often grieve what could have been; for me 29 years of marriage. The memories of that day are so cherished. I look back now and see how blessed I was.   I remember the day that my husband proposed to me. It was comical.

Frank called to say he was going to take me out to a nice restaurant for dinner; he said so make sure you are dressed up.  When I arrived at the restaurant, my parents were sitting at the table. I thought this was strange. I envisioned a romantic evening.   Half way through dinner roses arrived. My husband handed them to me, and I was so happy and thanked him. He said I should smell the roses. I did, and then he asked me to smell the roses again. By the third time, I found the ring. Who would think my husband would propose to me in front of my parents. I later figured out that my parents invited themselves, and he couldn’t refuse their request.

A positive attitude sometimes requires us to smell the roses, our thankfulness for every blessing is then reflected in our prayers, as well as every aspect of our life. We rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 thess 5:16-18

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