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Do You Have a Question?

Do You Have a Question?

I asked the Lord a question and did a Bible search to find the answer. After reading several passages in the scriptures I still was not sure of the answer. So, I asked the Lord to show me. He told me to look at the different hearts, attitudes and spiritual maturity of the reaction of the people in the scriptures I had searched. It became very clear to me.

I am repeating a Bible reference that I recently wrote about in these devotionals. But, it seems the Lord is emphasizing the importance of asking. I recently started a Bible study and the main idea is asking God questions. In scripture we see Jesus repeating something more than once when He thought it was really important. So, if you have questions, open your Bible, seek the answer and ask Him in prayer for the answer.

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”  Luke 11:9  NKJV

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