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Do I Dare Follow?

Do I Dare Follow?


I was a pastor’s wife and teaching Sunday school, when I asked the Lord how I could go deeper in relationship with Him, as I had given Him my whole heart. What else was there to learn?


WOW! In the next year I found myself in the process of divorce. After years of being single, I married a pastor and became a widow seven months after my wedding. A year later I experienced the Holy Spirit giving me new tongues to pray as I sought His will in every circumstance.


He taught me He is always faithful in provision, Spiritual protection, and my healer; healing me spiritually, physically as well as my broken heart. He provided for me physically, materially and emotionally with a new spiritual friend.


Now I know I will never come to a plateau of relationship with my Jesus. He keeps taking me deeper and deeper still. Even though I have been through the fire, He has always been with me so I can tell others there is hope in Jesus no matter the circumstances.


“As a beast goes down into the valley, and the Spirit of the LORD causes him to rest, so You lead Your people, to make Yourself a glorious name.”

Isaiah 63:13  NKJV


If God is concerned about the animals, how much more does He love us and care for us?



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