Do you have your keys?

Have you noticed that a lot of homes and cars are switching to code locks? You push buttons to open your door or have a sensor that identifies you as the owner. You no longer need keys. Will, our children someday not know what a key is? A key is...
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Judge not

Do we judge what we do not know? Do we consider the heart of man? We do not know our own heart, so how can we presuppose to know the heart of another?  “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord,...
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Wrong mindset

I was of the mindset before I accepted Christ that I am a good person, and because of my moral character, I am going to heaven. This Ungoldy belief was a lie from the pit of hell, and that was where I was heading. The Bible says, “But we are...
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Satan’s trap

When we do not forgive someone that has hurt us, we have fallen into one of Satan’s traps. He desires you to hold out. He knows that the father will not forgive you until you forgive, and that puts you in Satan’s court. “To whom ye forgive any thing, I...
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Are you ready for the storm?

We have a storm coming this Sunday. I asked a friend if he was ready, and he said, “as ready as I am going to be.” We have many storms in our lives, and as Christians, you need to be prepared. We remain in a constant state of rediness by...
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Holding on

Onto what are you holding? We can cling to the things that bring security, comfort, or success. But do they bring us closer to Christ? Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me…” John 14:9 What is standing in the...
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How do I receive the Lord’s protection?

So much is coming upon people today. Sickness, diseases, physical ailments, poverty, depression, hopelessness, famine, trauma, etc. How can you receive the Lord’s protection? The Lord tells His people throughout the Bible (the different dispensations) how to receive His protection. When you look closely at the message, it is the...
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We are God’s Masterpiece

As Scripture indicates, we are one body, and each of us is a hand, leg, arm, etc. “so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12:5 “And whenever one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or when one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.”...
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I know God can heal me, but… Have you spoken these words? This is what you call double-mindedness, wavering in mind. When you want to be heal, but you believe God won’t do it for you, or you are too sinful, or the promises of God are not for you....
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