Thief in the night

I had some excitement last night. Someone tried to break into my house while I was in it. My three dogs, the early warning system sounded an alarm. I was awakened out of a sound sleep. Lawlessness is abounding, and we can see right before our eyes that the coming...
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Are you getting the rest and nourishment (God’s word) that you need? If we are not fueled up with God’s word, we will not be able to walk, let alone run the race for Christ. “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit...
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We remember

My father served 33 years in the United States Navy and did several tours of Vietnam. He is buried in Arlington Cemetery. A hero whose life was taken too early due to agent orange exposure during Vietnam. In remembrance of our loved ones on this Memorial Day weekend, and for...
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Are you Holy in conduct and godliness?

God’s wrath will come on the world. In light of all this, how should we be? Peter tells us that we should be holy in conduct and godliness (2 Peter 3:11). So what does it mean to be holy in conduct and godliness. Zephaniah (3:8-13) tells us the Characteristics of...
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Great faith

Great faith was defined by Jesus several times in the Bible. In each of the cases, it was in seeking healing: Jesus healed a Centurion’s Servant (Mathew 8:10). A woman of Cannan asked for healing of her daughter who was demon-possessed (Mathew 15:28) Do we believe that Jesus heals today?...
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Why Lord?

In most cases, those who have lost a loved one will ask God why their loved one died.   Does questioning God on why something has happened mean your faith is weak? No, not at all. Your mind is trying to find answers to resolve the heart issue. Including God in...
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Who is in the driver’s seat?

The one typically in the driver’s seat determines the direction that you will go. Have you allowed God to be in the driver’s seat, or have you allowed a strongman such as fear, heaviness, jealousy, pride, or infirmity? Close the doors in your life that would allow the enemy to...
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You are qualified

Do you know that you have been given the power (God’s power) to do what God has called you to do? He has equipped you, enabled you. “giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.”‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬...
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Are you struggling with depression?

I have been working on a house down in Florida since January, and it is what you would deem a hard hat area. This world we live in is also a hard hat or helmet area. We must wear our helmets every day to protect our heads, our thought life....
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Do you feel comfortable in this world, or do you feel like you don’t fit in? Your answer determines where your heart is. The wheat and tears are growing together, one becoming more evil and the other more righteous. We should be eagerly awaiting our new home. The Psalmist David...
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