Do you feel loved?

Do you feel loved?  As humans we all have an inherent desire to feel loved.   A loss from divorce, death, friendship or family relationship may make us feel not loved.  During this time hold onto the fact, “… in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who...
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The Affect of Love

The Affect of Love   As I approach my 4th wedding anniversary without my husband, who is in God’s presence, I marvel how the love that we shared during seven months of marriage can have such a profound change in my life. The short time that I knew him in...
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Are you waiting to be called up?

Are you an active member of God’s army or you waiting to be called up?   When you accepted Christ you automatically were enlisted into His army.  You can’t sit on the sidelines.  God wants you to do His work now. You may be thinking I have just had a...
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Patience   Some people suggest that we should never pray for patience. The idea is, we will experience trials that will require us to exercise patience. Whether you have prayed for patience or not, you may be going through a traumatic time in your life. The scripture says we are...
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Open your heart to receive

The moment you receive Christ as your savior, you receive everything He is in your spirit.  You can do all things through Him; you are a joint heir of God. A loss may make us forget the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.  You have received the Gift of...
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How Often Should We Trust?

How Often Should We Trust?   Have you ever noticed it is easier to trust God when things are going well? He wants us to trust Him all of the time. It is much more difficult to trust Him when we face life and death health issues, financial distress or...
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Have you put up a wall?

Have you put up a wall?  A traumatic event may have resulted in you creating a wall to self protect.    Ask God to show you.   He wants to be your wall of protection. God you are my rock,   “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my...
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Bound in Prosperity?

Bound in Prosperity?   I saw this verse in Psalms and had to take a moment to think about it. We usually think of prosperity as a good thing, not bondage. The verse states: “God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity…” (Psalm...
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Am I thankful?

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what we have been blessed with. However, many are suffering from a loss that is pulling at their heart. Praising God and thanking Him can lift you above the troubles of this present time. Start off with asking God, am I thankful?...
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Make thanksgiving Personal

Make Thanksgiving Personal   It is fun to make any verse in the Bible personal. We can replace our names with pronouns such as you, your, etc. Here is an example of Psalm 107:21,22   Oh, that I would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His...
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