Is it Worth Waiting?
Is it Worth Waiting? As I was washing my white top that had a stain on it, I sprayed it with a reputable stain cleaner. In the past the cleaner did not work to my expectations. So, I decided to read the directions. It suggested leaving the stain remover...
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Are you speaking poorly of yourself? If so, every time you condemn yourself, you are condemning Him. Hebrew word for condemn is Rasha. It means to be wicked, act wickedly. Jesus death on the cross shouts out, not guilty. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ...
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Are You Content?
Are You Content? Life can throw us some curve balls, but we can still be content. It is hard to be content if we are not thankful. Thanksgiving is the beginning contentment. If we are in need, we can be thankful for all the things we have. Sometimes it...
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Go beyond the horizon
The horizon separates the Earth from the sky (Earth from the Heavenlies). Job 26:10 says, “He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, At the boundary of light and darkness.” The boundary is the bloodline. The horizon can also be the limit of a person’s mental perception....
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Life is Short
Life is Short I used to make greeting and birthday cards for my friends and family. I remember so clearly the card I made for my nephew’s 20th birthday. There was an image of a stack of boxer shorts, and I inscribed inside of the card, “Life is Short!”...
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Am I grieving healthy?
How do I know if I am grieving healthy? Grieving is not something that we do every day; and when all the emotions associated with a loss sweep in, there is an overwhelming since of helplessness. Many people claim if you are following the grieving process, you are grieving healthy....
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Is Your Tower Strong?
Is Your Tower Strong? When we see towers being built, we generally think that the builder or company that it represents is a prominent figure in society. Developing cities build tall towers to show strength, usually in the financial realm. But in times of trouble, who do we run...
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Is Death Important?
Is Death Important? I dreamed I was dying. God gave me examples of the importance of death. A seed must die before it comes back to life to bear fruit. And Jesus died to overcome death so we can have the opportunity to live forever. But, we must die...
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Having an off day?
If you have ever been deprived of sleep, then you know what it is like to have an off day. You may struggle to get into your regular routine, including reading God’s word. God understands that we may have an off day. “O Lord, you have searched me and you...
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