Are You Surprised When You Have Trouble?

Are You Surprised When You Have Trouble? Do you know anyone who never has trouble in this life? We can experience joy, but with it comes trouble. So, how do we handle the trials of life? Jesus gave hope to his disciples as He warned them what would happen very...
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Loss of heart

Do you feel safe? Many hearts do not heal because of fear or a perception of not feeling safe. Marriages are at a loss for words and the light that once shone brightly, feels dim. Words such as, “they will never change are spoken.” And the heart is shut. In...
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Light and Darkness

Light and Darkness What would it be like in a world with no light; not even the light of a candle? We would not need eyes to see in total darkness and would have to develop our other senses. I have tried walking in the dark, with my eyes wide...
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PTSD – Flashback

I was reliving the hurt over and over…. the visions were horrific. If you are experiencing flashbacks as a result of trauma, you must release, not relive your hurts. Make a conscience decision to not think on the negative things. Let the Lord heal your mind. “[ Meditate on These...
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Restored Health

Restored Health When we experience trauma, it may not only include physical damage, but a deep wounding of the heart. The physical wound may heal, but no one can see the inner hurt that we may still be experiencing. We may react in ways we do not want, acting out...
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Discerning Many times when we encounter trauma in our lives, we get advice from all different areas. These pieces of advice may be very contradictory. So, how do we know what advice will help us through this time in our lives?  Seek wisdom. “Who is wise and understanding among you?...
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The hitchhiker

Today I found an unexpected hitchhiker in my car. He was not welcome. We sometimes can pick-up unexpected baggage (un-forgiveness, anger, bitterness, etc.) that we don’t intend to carry. The excess baggage that we carry can potentially cause serious problems; such as separation/barrier between the Lord and ourselves, which leads...
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Boy Scout Motto: Always Be Prepared

Boy Scout Motto: Always Be Prepared How can we be prepared if we do not know the future? Do we know what will happen to us? Do we know in advance about a car accident, a life threatening disease, the unexpected death of a loved one, or some violent act...
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It is already done! Receive!

Many are touting if you take this wonder food, your cancer will be healed, or if you take this medicine all your problems will go away. Why are people so apt to believe a wonder drug, that most likely has not been tested; over God’s healing that has already been...
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Crossroads of Life

Crossroads of Life My granddaughter is turning 21 years old today. I was there to witness her birth and now she is a responsible young woman. She is pursing her studies to make her dreams come true, and she has made her decision to follow Jesus. This age is a...
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