The Fashion Police

The Fashion Police  In college, I was a non-traditional student; meaning, I was older. One day as I was attending a required science class, I had just come from welding in the art studio. You can imagine how I was dressed. I took my seat beside two well dressed freshman...
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Taken Back

Sometimes the Lord takes you back to move you forward. As I crossed over the Harry Nice bridge from Virginia to Maryland, my heart skipped a beat. Memories of times past overtook me. God was bringing me back to the place where my family was once together. I remembered the...
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Perfection! We all look for perfection; in our jobs, homes, actions of loved ones, etc. But I have heard over and over people, especially women, putting their selves down. I was thinking that God is perfect; He made everything, including us. So, when we put ourselves down, we are criticizing...
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Moving on

You may have a mom or dad that have passed, and the surviving spouse has someone new in their life. A variety of losses may be surfacing (loss of family as you knew it or loss of connection with the living parent); anger (how could my parent do this) or...
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Daily Cleansing

Daily Cleansing Most of us wash on a daily basis. If we do not, it is not a secret; people notice. So, what about our daily spiritual cleansing? In Ephesians 5:26, it says “that He might sanctify and cleanse her [the church] with the washing of water by the word.”...
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What are you paying attention to?

Have you ever considered over and over in your brain why someone said what they said. The wondering may turn to self reflection or even feelings of rejection. The Bible says to think on good things. “Also do not take to heart everything people say, Lest you hear your servant...
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Learning Dependence

Learning Dependence We hear a lot of talk about independence, but very little about dependence. A song came to mind this morning and I was singing, “Learning to Lean on Jesus”. The words are written by Lyn Alejandrino Hopkins. As I was singing, “Learning to lean, learning to lean, I’m...
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Fear hides love

As I was walking on the beach this morning, I encountered two dogs. One came toward me wanting to be loved; he extended out. The other stood next to its owner and was indifferent/fearful. Guess which one received love and gave love. “There is no fear in love; but perfect...
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Are You Surprised When You Have Trouble?

Are You Surprised When You Have Trouble? Do you know anyone who never has trouble in this life? We can experience joy, but with it comes trouble. So, how do we handle the trials of life? Jesus gave hope to his disciples as He warned them what would happen very...
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Loss of heart

Do you feel safe? Many hearts do not heal because of fear or a perception of not feeling safe. Marriages are at a loss for words and the light that once shone brightly, feels dim. Words such as, “they will never change are spoken.” And the heart is shut. In...
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