Drink, drank, drunk

A loss can push you into drinking. It is an escape mechanism to mask the pain. Unfortunately, the more that is consumed can only lead to further problems. Here is an instance that sin is progressive. Alcoholism is the number two health problem in America. Causing deaths, homicides, suicides, and...
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Dirty Feet

Dirty Feet As I was driving home from a foot washing service on Maundy Thursday, I was contemplating what Jesus said to Peter, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” Peter wanted Jesus to wash all of Him, because he loved Jesus so much. But...
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What are you worth?

What are you worth? Self-worth and net worth are not the same. As a matter of fact, You are very valuable to God. You are his most prized possession; He treasures you. You are beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). However, many see their life as only valuable if they...
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In Remembrance

In Remembrance I bought a strawberry milkshake. And, as I was enjoying it I thought of my late husband who always ordered strawberry flavor. I was doing it in remembrance of him. Then I thought about Jesus when He told us to take the bread and wine in remembrance of...
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The ride

The ride Are you using all gears? We go through many struggles in this world. Some are an uphill climb and require you to use all gears to make it up and over. “And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; And Your right hand shall...
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Looking Forward to Moving?

Looking Forward to Moving? I have moved twenty-two times in my life, and my family was not part of the military or part of a denomination that moves pastors every three years. Most of those moves I looked forward to with excited anticipation, some with uncertainty. But the greatest move...
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How do you see yourself?

When you look in a mirror what do you see? Many look in the mirror and see rejection, hurt, shame, guilt, or ugliness. God does not see you that way. Your identity is in Christ. Once you realize the lie, your life will be transformed. “The way you see your...
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What Now?

What Now? When we read directions, there is always a next step until we reach the goal of a completed project. What is the next step after we confess our sins, believe in Jesus, and are baptized? Is the goal just to have fire insurance? If that were the case...
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Sleepless night

My soul finds no rest in the dark of the night. As I listen to the fans rotation and rhythm, it does not comfort me. I yearn for my Lord to bring peace. Again, the enemy is set on stealing my sleep. The affliction of the night shall not burden...
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Whiter than White

Whiter than White When we find a good cleaning product, we like to share the results with our friends. My late husband could have been a salesman for Oreck vacuum cleaners. But the best spot cleaner in the world is Jesus Christ who washes us from our sin with the...
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