Humble yourself

Humbling ourselves does wonders for our soul and land. So how do we humble ourselves? Step 1 – Ask God to give you a clean heart and for Him to heal your heart and bind up the wounds. We need a tender heart to be able to humble ourselves, “because...
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Present suffering and future glory

Natural disasters are ever-increasing. A night doesn’t go by where we don’t hear on the news about an earthquake, tornado, volcanos erupting, mudslides, fires, etc. The loss can be devastating and trying to understand why even more so. However, the Bible provides answers.  “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly...
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Heart of worship

We can subject ourselves to the control of a thing or a person. It is our choice. God says, “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” Deut 30:19 God gives us a choice. Notice our...
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Enemy within

The enemy within is the hardest to overcome; self-hate, self-rejection, self-pity. You are attacking yourself. Self-affliction wounds speak “I am not worthy”. Satan loves it when we beat ourselves up; he doesn’t need to do any work. We are doing his job for him. When we attack ourselves, we are...
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No joking matter

As many around the world are dying from the Coronavirus, this is no joking matter. We need to take this seriously. Draw close to the Lord and cry out for our nation (1 Tim 2:2). Do not fear. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen...
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Why are people accusing me? I am innocent.Attacks, attacks, why are you surprised? “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:” 1 Peter 4:12 There are many reasons why a person may get falsely accused. Five of...
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Cruise Control

 Imagine your life on cruise control, spiritual cruise control. When you set your car on cruise control, you have set a limit on the speed that will more than likely prevent you from committing a crime such as going over the speed limit and will protect you. When we give our lives...
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Friendly captivity

Friendly captivity The world today is luring us with more and more pleasures at our fingertips. As we continue to indulge in its pleasures, we could be taken into friendly captivity. How do we combat the lusts of the world controlling us….. Facebook, Twitter, Starbucks, Amazon, fast food, new cars,...
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Pack Patience

 As a result of the coronavirus, many are stranded in nations around the world and are trying to get home. Remember to pack patience.  “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work,...
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Prepare yourself to endure

As we look at all that is going on around the world, many are saying these are the “Signs of the Times and the End of the Age.” The disciples asked for clarification of the times and end of the age.  Jesus proclaimed, “you will hear of wars and rumours...
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