In the last days

In the last days, “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 21:26 God has said in the Bible 103 times “Fear not” or “Be not afraid.” We are told to...
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Many today have high blood pressure and their physician have prescribed medication to control the pressure. This is a patch. God doesn’t want to patch you up, He wants to get to the root of the problem. The cause of high blood pressure or hypertension is Fear/anxiety/worry. The opposite of...
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We all want to be successful. Success according to the world is the attainment of popularity or profit. This is mostly driven by insecurity. Success according to God is doing His will and we become secure in Him. It is God’s will to prosper you, “For I know the plans I...
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False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)

Fear projects into the future it is False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear enters our lives when our eyes are diverted away from the Lord. Fear is sin. We are to revere the Lord, Fear the Lord.  “The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing...
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Healing…I don’t get it

Healing, I don’t get it. People usually put healing in one of two categories, mystical (spiritually allegorical or symbolic; transcending human understanding/relating to ancient religious mysteries or other occult or esoteric rites.) or scientific.  We receive thousands of healing requests from people desiring to be healed. We have seen some...
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Do you have a Stronghold?

Do you have a stronghold? Stronghold (Greek word ochyrōma) is anything on which one relies. God can be our stronghold or we can rely on something other than God. If you feel like you are in a battle in your mind, where you struggling with your thought life, then a...
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Feeding the enemy

What are we feeding the enemy? I once fed this cute little cat some food and every day it continued to come back for some more. Satan is not a cute little cat, he is a roaring lion and he is trying to destroy you, so don’t let him feed...
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Do you trust God?

Do you trust God? I mean, really trust God. Not only for the little things but also for the big things in your life. The Hebrew word trust is batach “to attach oneself… to confide in, feel safe, be confident, secure.” Do you trust God to provide you with a...
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Spiritually Dehydrated?

Are you lacking energy, serving out of duty vice love, struggling in your prayer life, not reading the Bible? If so, then you may be Spiritually Dehydrated. “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will...
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We all see things in a frame; snapshot. How we see them will depend upon experiences and our relationship with God. We can look at our current circumstances and see it as negative or we can view it as a divine appointment. “Do You have eyes of flesh? Or do...
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