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Are you happy with all of the choices you have made in your life? We make many choices that can alter the direction of our lives. We choose who we marry, where we work, what church we attend, our friends, what lifestyle we live (country, back to nature, or the rush of the city), what kind of car we drive, the house where we live, etc.

As I reflect on my life, I do not have any regrets. Then I had to ask myself, “Why?” I hear so many people say, “If only I could live that over again, I would do…”. I realized that I gave my life to God at an early age and always depended on Him to guide me in decisions that I made. Even though He guided me did not guarantee that my life would be without suffering. But, knowing that God was in my choices, I always knew He was with me to bring me through any difficult time.

“…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”  Joshua 24:15  NKJV

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