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Catch those Gnats!

Catch those Gnats!

They say you can catch more flies with honey. I have been experiencing an outbreak of gnats. I checked out the internet and it suggested setting out a bowl of vinegar to attract them. They are supposed to be drawn to rotting smells. After many days of unsuccessful attempts, I was fixing myself a cut of tea with honey and milk. Before I could drink it, two gnats had landed. So, quickly this morning I made my little gnat friends a nice cup of tea. So far, five are interested.

We know that God’s love is sweet. When we love someone we usually talk sweetly to them so they will be attracted to us and know how we feel about them. God’s love is pure and His words bring a sweet message of life.

“How sweet are Your [God’s] words to my taste. Sweeter than honey to my mouth!”  Psalm 119:103  NKJV

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