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What Can Grief Teach You?

What Can Grief Teach You?


For those who have been through the valleys that life can bring will usually tell you that they wouldn’t want to do it again, but they wouldn’t trade the experience for the wisdom that came out of the journey.


As you go through your experience, what are you learning? What insight surprised you that you would want to share with others to make their load lighter?


An observation I have made: people who have learned much by trials are not always throwing clichés at you. Because of their wisdom they are quiet and usually wait for someone to ask advice. The wise one may put a little bate of information out there to let you know they understand, and then remain quiet and patient for questions.


So, as you go through your loss, look for things to learn and file away for a question one day.


“Wise people store up knowledge…”

Proverbs 10:14

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